Sunday, September 2, 2012


 I got awarded the Sunshine blogging award! I would love to thank Maggie from the Style Walrus! She is super awesome and has her own sense of style! So if you are not following her, go and follow her NOW!
(sorry this pic is kinda blurry)

1-.What would you most like to change about yourself?- 
Well, I wish I had smaller feet, (haha thats kinda funny)!

2-What is your theme song?-
This is a really hard one! Probably, oh gosh I really don't know! 
Instant Karma-John Lennon 
OH and  Don't rain on my Parade- Funny Girl (oh whoops! I think this link is the glee version) 

3-One part of your life memory, action, etc. that you wish you could surgically remove from your brain?-
When I was in sixth grade, and wasn't very outgoing yet, I told everyone in my class that I could speak italian (cuz I am italian) which isn't true! 

4-What generation do you wish you had been apart of?-
Probably the 50's or the 70's! (I really like the style back then!)

5-What was your favorite childhood toy?-
Barbies! I used to sew them outfits when I was in 1st and 2nd grade.

6-What's your favorite housecleaning chore?-
Probably folding clothes or dishes. This is a really stupid question!

7- Do you Tweet?-

8-Any goals?-
Well, (I could go on and on, on this question) I really like sewing, and designing. I also hope I get good grades this year. (knock on wood)

9-Do you really drink margaritas all the time?-
I'm 13. 

10-What is the ugliest car you've ever driven and were embarrassed to be seen in?-
I don't have my licenses but I do drive a golf cart sometimes... And my grandpa wants to teach me how to drive, but I really can't answer this question. 

WOW! Your probably asleep by now, so wake up so you can see the nominees!

1-A Blessing In Disguise
2-The Glory Box
3-Quite Couture
4-The Punk Rocker
5-Preppy Glam Cult Chick
6-Majestic Pottery Unicorn

I think you guys totally deserve this award!
Oh and thanks again, Maggie!


  1. Yay! Thank you thank you thank you! This is my first award I rly appreciate it!

  2. Thanks so much for the nomination! Also I really appreciate that fish tank thing on the side.

  3. Congrats!
    -Sienna :)
